Name | Dr.Murshid Iman |
Date of Birth: | 01/01/1985 |
Address(present) | Dr. Murshid Iman Assistant Professor (Contractual) Department of Chemistry Morigaon college Morigaon Pin 782105 |
Address (permanent) | Dr.Murshid Iman S/O Samnur Iman Ward No. 8 Phulbari Morigaon Pin 782105 |
Date of appointment | 01-08-2017 |
Designation | Assistant Professor (Contractual) |
Membership: any academic committee/organization) (mention the membership number) |
Academic Information | |
Educational Qualification | MSc, PhD |
Area of Specialization | Polymer Chemistry |
Any other Training/Diploma/Degree | Nil |
Research Works | |
a. Title of M.A/M.Sc Dissertation | “Effect of particle size of Styrene-Butylacrylate emulsion on exterior paint properties.” |
b.Title of M.Phil Thesis | Nil |
c.Title of Ph. D Thesis | “Fabrication and Property evaluation of Jute reinforced Soy flour/ Starch Bio-nanocomposites.” |
d. Any other | Nil |
Minor /Major Research projects (Already Completed) | |
Please furnish the following details | |
Year of grant received: | |
Amount sanctioned | |
Publication | i.Research papers: List enclosed (List -1) ii. Others: List enclosed (List -2) |
S/N | Author’s Name | Title of paper |
Name of Journal | Impact facor/ISBN/ISSN |
1 | Iman, M. and Maji, T. K. | Effect of crosslinker and nanoclay on starch and jute fabric based green nanocomposites. | Carbohydrate Polymers, 2012, 89 (1), 290-297. (01448617) |
5.158 |
2 | Iman, M. and Maji, T. K. | Effect of crosslinker and nanoclay on jute fabric reinforced soy flour green composite. | Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2013, 127 (5), 3987-3996. (00218995) | 1.90 |
3 | Iman, M., Bania, K. K. and Maji, T. K. | Green jute based crosslinked soy flour nanocomposites reinforced with cellulose whiskers and nanoclay. | Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013, 52 (21), 6969−6983. (08885885) | 3.141 |
4 | Iman, M., Manhar, A., Mandal, M. and Maji, T. K. | Preparation and characterization of zinc oxide and nanoclay reinforced crosslinked starch/jute green nanocomposites. | RSC Advances, 2014, 4 (64), 33826-33839. (20462069) |
2.936 |
5 | Iman, M., Mandal, M. and Maji, T. K. | Synergistic effect of ZnO and nanoclay on crosslinked jute reinforced soy flour green nanocomposites. | Journal of Composite Materials, 2016, 50, 723-737. (00219983) | 1.613 |
6 | Banik, N., Iman, M., Hussain, A., Ramteke, A., Boruah, R. and Maji, T. K. | Soy flour nanoparticles for controlled drug delivery: effect of crosslinker and montmorillonite (MMT). | New Journal of Chemistry, 2013, 37 (12), 3981−3990. (11440546) |
3.201 |
7 | Iman, M., Mandal, M. and Maji, T. K. | Study of uv stability and physical properties of jute/soy flour green nanocomposites. | Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2018, 2 (1), 1−9. (16878434). | |
8 | Iman, M and Maji, T. K. | Effect of Crosslinker and Nanoclay in Jute-reinforced-Starch composite, | Effect of Crosslinker and Nanoclay in Jute-reinforced-Starch composite, | |
9 | Iman, M and Maji, T. K. | Effect of Crosslinker and Grafting on the properties of Jute-reinforced-Soy flour composite, | National Seminar on Recent Advances in Synthesis and Catalysis, February 10-12, 2011, Dibrugarh University, Assam, India. | |
10 | Iman, M and Maji, T. K. | Effect of Nanoclay on the properties of Jute-reinforced-Starch-g-MMA composites, | National Conference on ‘Chemistry, Chemical Technology and Society’, November 11-12, 2011, Tezpur University, Assam, India | |
11 | Iman, M and Maji, T. K. | Property Evaluation of Biodegradable Composites based on Cellulose microcrystalline powder and Natural Polymer, | International conference on Nanomaterials & Nano technology Dec 18-21, 2011 University of Delhi, Delhi India. |
S/N | Authors Name | Topic | Publisher | ISBN |
1 | Iman, M. and Maji, T. K. Jute | An interesting lignocellulosic fibres for new generation applications. In Lignocellulosic Polymer Composites: Processing, Characterization and Properties. | Thakur, V. K., Ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, USA, 30 October, 2014. |
978-1-118- 77357-4 |
2 | Iman, M. and Maji, T. K. Thakur, V. K., Kessler, M. R. | Bionanocomposites: A greener alternative for future generation. In Green Biorenewable Biocomposites: From Knowledge to Industrial Applications, | Eds.; Apple Academic Press, Canada, 28 January, 2015. |
9781771880329 |