Department of Arts
BACKGROUND: The department of Assamese under both science and arts started in July, 1964. The department started with two teachers Mr. Narendra Nath Keot and late Satish Chandra Haloi. From 1978 onwards the commencement of honors course being regulated. At present, the following teachers are working as assistant professor in the department –
Aim and Objective:
1. To provide knowledge of Assamese language and Literature among the students of higher secondary to degree level.
2. To introduce the basic concepts about the Indian and world literature among the students.
1. To provide knowledge of Assamese language and Literature among the students of higher secondary to degree level.
To introduce the
basic concepts about the Indian and world literature among the students.
1. Higher
secondary Arts and Science : 10+2
a. 1ST Sem and 2nd Sem [1st Year]:
Major , Generic , AECC
3rd Sem and 4th Sem [2nd Year]:
Major , Generic
5th Sem and 6th Sem [3rd Year]: Major
a. 1st Sem : AECC
b. 3rd Sem : MIL
Structure of Syllabus: Both new and old syllabus
is running. CBCS course was introduced
The department has no own syllabus. Syllabus
has been operated according to the syllabus
AHSEC and Gauhati
5. Sessional exam is being conducted by the department precisely in duration of two/three months.
Classroom Facilities: Besides two classrooms there is a museum in the department. The classrooms are equipped with black board. Library: There is library in the department. There are about 250 numbers of books in the departmental library which includes both text books and references. UGC CARE listed journal OITIHYA [THE HERITAGE], SATSORI and GARIYASHI has also been subscribed by the department.
Publication of the Department:
1. Satadal – annual journal published by the teachers.
2. Manikanchan – Wall magazine published by the students.
Computer: A desktop is available in the department.
Part – 2: Strength of the students:
Field works/Extension works of the Department:
Each year department has conducted field study. The students of TDC courses are arranged to collect information through survey scheduled method in the field. Data related to sociological and cultural materials are collected by the students through different methods including survey schedule, participant observation, direct observation, interview and case study method. The project reports prepared by the students on the basis of this field study have been collected by the department.
Part – 3: Other Works: Group Discussion: Group discussion is held on different topic related to syllabus by teacher. Library works: Major students are assigned to do library works.
Plan of the Department: 1. Provide a short term course on Assamese DTP. 2. Provide special course on Creative Writing. 3. To organize state level literary competition regarding different genre.
The department of Assamese under both science and arts started in July, 1964. The department started with two teachers Mr. Narendra Nath Keot and late Satish Chandra Haloi. From 1978 onwards the commencement of honours course being regulated. At present, the following teachers are working as assistant professor in the department –
Aim and Objective:
1. To provide knowledge of Assamese language and Literature among the students of higher secondary to degree level.
2. To introduce the basic concepts about the Indian and world literature among the students.
1. Higher secondary Arts and Science : 10+2
2. BA CBCS :
a. 1ST Sem and 2nd Sem [1st Year]: Major , Generic , AECC
b. 3rd Sem and 4th Sem [2nd Year]: Major , Generic ,SEC , GENERAL[MIL]
a. 1ST Sem : AECC
b. 3rd Sem : MIL
4. Structure of Syllabus: Both new and old syllabus is running. CBCS course was introduced in 2018.
The department has no own syllabus. Syllabus has been operated according to the syllabus prepared
by AHSEC and Gauhati University.
5. Sessional exam is being conducted by the department precisely in duration of two/three months.
Classroom Facilities:
Besides two classrooms there is a museum in the department. The classrooms are equipped with black board.
There is a library in the department. There are about 250 numbers of books in the departmental library which includes both text books and references.
UGC CARE listed journal OITIHYA [THE HERITAGE], SATSORI and GARIYASHI has also been subscribed by the department.
Publication of the Department:
1. Satadal – annual journal published by the teachers.
Computer: A desktop is available in the department.
Part – 2:
Strength of the students:
Field works/Extension works of the Department:
Each year department has conducted field study. The students of TDC courses are arranged to collect information through survey scheduled method in the field. Data related to sociological and cultural materials are collected by the students through different methods including survey schedule, participant observation, direct observation, interview and case study method. The project reports prepared by the students on the basis of this field study have been collected by the department.
Part – 3: Other Works:
Group Discussion:
Group discussion is held on different topic related to syllabus by teacher.
Library works:
Major students are assigned to do library works.
Plan of the Department:
1. Provide a short term course on Assamese DTP.
2. Provide special course on Creative Writing.
3. To organize state level literary competition regarding different genre.
1. Name of the Department : Hindi Department
2. Year of Establishment : 1996
3. Year of Starting of Major Course : 1999
4. Strength of the Human Resources :
· Till date many students have completed higher studies and engagement in different jobs.
· Many of the students have made it to higher institutions like Kendriya Hindi Sansthan, Bharatiya Bhasha Parisad etc.
· At present number of strength in the department as follow :
Session : 2020-21
Ø Govindo Bashumatary : National level football player ( Junior)
· The department consists of a staff room and two class rooms.
· There is a computer in the department
· There is a library in the department with 600 numbers of books.
· Apart from the books, we have a facilities soft copies of useful books store in departmental Desktop and previous year question papers which are very beneficial of the students.
· There is printer in the staff room.
· Wall Magazine : “ASHMITA”
· Seasional Test : One sessional test is conducted for each class per semester and records are maintained.
· Class Test : Class test is conducted by the teachers individually.
· Internal Assessment : Internal assessment along with attendance, assignment and mock.
· Group Discussion is held on topics like Bhasha Vigyan, Kavyashastra, etc among the students of 5th semester.
· The students of 3rd & 1st semester give seminars on their curriculam based topics.
· We are going to introduce add on certificate course “Speaking Hindi”
· Every year 5th semester students are taken on educational journey.
· Hindi Day is celebrations every year by the department.
The department of Hindi has an alumni association. Ass members cooperate in the institutional as well as departmental activities whenever it is necessary. The department has a interest to meet the members of the association in various cultural program in the institution and for the good suggestions to the new comes of the department.
· To develop a positive outlook towards Hindi Language among the students.
· To familiarize the students with the various modern trends in Hindi Literature.
· To develop the Language Proficiency and Communication Skill of the students in Hindi Language.
· To provide the basic and general information about Hindi Language.
· To inculcate interest among students in the study of Hindi Literature, along with academic excellence.
Department of Education, Morigaon College, is one of the oldest department of the Morigaon College which was established in the year 1971 and founder head of the department was Mrs. Bani Baruh. The major course in the department was started from 1989. The department has four teaching and one non teaching faculty. The department has been playing a pivotal role in imparting quality higher education since its inception. The department offers three years Honours Course in B.A. programme under the CBCS system. The three month certificate course on “Early Childhood Care and Education” (ECCE) has introduced from the academic session of 2021-22.
The honours course is consisting of twenty four core courses, out of these fourteen honours core course each have six credits and eight discipline specific elective courses (DSE) each have sixth credits, while remaining two core course (SEC) each have four credits. There are four generic elective and two Skills Enhancement Compulsory Courses (SEC) have offered in B.A. programme. One each generic elective courses in 1st , 2 nd 3 rd and 4th semester each have sixth credits and other remaining two (SEC) courses each have four credits.
The department has conduct class test, unit test, sessional examination, department seminar, workshop in every semester on some current theme of education.
THRUST AREA: Theories and Principles of education, Educational psychology, Development of education in India, Philosophical and Sociological foundation of education, Educational Technology and Teaching Methods, Value and Peace Education, Great Educational Thinkers, Emerging issues and education, Measurement and evaluation in education, Environmental and population education, Philosophy of education, Teacher education, Teaching learning method and pedagogy, Statistics in education, Psychological practical, Developmental psychology, Continuing education and distance education, Special education, Guidance and counseling, Human Right Education, Mental Health and Hygiene, Psychology of Adolescence, Public Speaking Skills, Writing Bio Data and Facing an Interview, Educational management and administration and project work (Dissertation).
Course offered and seats capacity: (i) Three years B.A. Honours course with 6 semester under CBCS system, Total seats: 45 (ii) B A Generic and Regular Course under CBCS System. Total seats 150. (iii) Three Months Certificate Course in Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Total Seats: 100
Participation in Institutional Social responsibility and extension activities: Teachers and Students are participated in various social and other extension activities for the welfare of the society. The faculty members of the department are engaged in different academic cells of the college.
Other activities of the department (Field study/ Excursion etc.): According to GU curriculum the department has conducted field study for dissertation paper, field survey for environmental study and organized educational tour to different places of the country.
Exhibition/seminar/popular talk/training among students: Department organize class seminar on regular basis among major students. Students are encouraged to participate in different workshops, popular talks and different competitive examinations like UPSC, APSC, NEET, SLET, LIC, and BANKING ETC.
Future Plan: i) To introduce P.G Course ii) To publish annual journals from the department. iii) To introduce education and community awareness programme. . iv) To conduct inter exchange classroom sessions by the faculties of others institution of the district.
About of Department
1. Name of the Department : Department of Philosophy
2. Motto of the Department :“Knowledge that Enlightens All”
3. Mission and Vision of the Department : Vision of the department: Department of Philosophy, Morigaon College does have the vision to impart higher, futuristic education and Excellence for development of Human Personality and Resource. It has also the vision to make learners intellectually higher and morally strong and enable the making of rational, responsible, compassionate and sensitive human beings.
Mission of the department: Our sincere mission is to nurture knowledge, skill and attitude to students from all walk of life through curriculum, so that they become enlightened and empowered, qualified with Potentialities having a sense of self respect along with commitment towards society and nation. Along with teaching-learning programme department provides scope of researches, training, symposium and career counselling. It is also our mission to develop our department as an ideal centre of learning for proper manifestation of learner’s mind and character to make him or her a good citizen.
4. History of the Department : Department of Philosophy of Morigaon College was established 1964. College founder Princpal Sjt. Gurucharan Medhi was also founder teacher of our department. When Sjt. Gurucharan Medhi took his charge as a Principal, another two teachers, Sjt. Birichidhar Burhagohai and Sjt. Nilima Medhi was appointed as a Lecturer. Both these two teachers successful offered their services to the college and Sjt. Birichidhar Burhagohai got his retirement in 1997 and then Sjt. Nilima Medhi also got her retirement in 1998. After their retirement Dr.Nilamani Phukan and Dr. Sanjib H. Thakuria have been appointed as an Assistant Professorand further they got promotion as a Associate Professor.
5. Year of Establishment : 1964
6. Year of introducing of Major/ Honours Courses : 1999
6. Year of introducing of Major/ Honours Courses : 1999
7. List of Founder Teachers
8. Course offered by the Department : UG- HC & HG
9. List of present faculty members
10. Infrastructure of the Department : i) Room-02, ii) Laboratory- Nil iii) Library-30 iv) Musem- Nil v) Major Equipment- Nil vi) Other facilities- A Computer with printer
11. Publication of the Department : Darsan Jyoti- A wall Magazine (Biannual) Dristibhangi- A National Research Journal (Annual)
12. Research Projects : Nil
13. Awards offered by the Department : Nil
14. Achievement of the Teachers :Nilamani Phukan has been awarded Ph.D by Dibrughar University
15. Achievement of the students : Nil
16. Academic calendar of the Department : We have not any separate academic calendar. We follow only Gauhati University academic calendar.
Final Year Result
Students’ Enrollment 2021
Best Practice of the department: Philosophy believes that there is nothing except true Knowledge in the world. True knowledge gives liberation. So, we have been practicing our students how to acquire true knowledge through difference kinds of theories and practices.
Student Related Activities
1. Field Trip Date: 26.12.2021 Place: Bogamati

2. Students’ Election Duty Date: 11.01.2022

3. Get together Date: 17.12.2021

4. Students’ Counselling / Student Mentoring Meeting: Date: 28.12.2021

5. Students’ Seminar Date: 19.02.2022

Extension Activities
1. Teachers’ Day Celebration (Online) Date: 5 Sept., 2021

2. Observation of World Philosophy Day
Date: 18th November, 2018
Topic: Modernity and Postmodernity
Speaker: Dr. Ajit Knower, Assistant Prof., Dept. of English, Morigaon College
Venue: Philosophy Department, Morigaon College

3. Popular Talk Date 22.02.22 Venue: Manipur

4. Popular Talk Date: 11.02.22 Venue: Solmari L.P. School

5. Literature talk Date: 18.11.2021 Venue: Morigaon College

- Name of the Department : Sociology
- Date of Establishment :01st Aug,2018
- Date of starting Major Course : Nil
- 58Infrastructure of the Department :
- Numbers of the classrooms : 01
- Library : Nil
- LearningResources of the Department
Classroom facilities (digital, projector etc ) : Nil
Library with list of books-Nil
Journals- Nil
Computer facilitieswith printers: Nil
Strength of the Human Resources: 01
Teaching Staff: 01
MR. Ujjal Deka, M.A
Contractual: 01
Non-teaching staff: Nil
Publications of the Department (Wall Megazine): Nil
Seasional Test : One sessional test is conducted for each class per semester and records are maintained.
Class Test : Class test is conducted by the teachers individually.
Internal Assessment : Internal assessment along with attendance, assignments.
Seasional Test : One sessional test is conducted for each class per semester and records are maintained.
Class Test : Class test is conducted by the teachers individually.
Internal Assessment : Internal assessment along with attendance, assignments.